These days we take it for granted to be busy and stressed out. We have 1440 Minutes in a day and we have filled them with activities. However all it needs a 1 minute of mindfulness to disconnect yourself from all the rush , anxiety and stress.

No matter wherever you are right now, look outside the window, or stand in the doorway , look up and around. Sunny, cloudy or rainy day. Just watch for a minute and see what is nature doing around you. Forget for 1 Minute where you need to be and what you need to do. Just be there.
There are 1440 minutes in a day. Before to rush out of your home, hop in the car or in the bus, taking kids to school or activities, taking dog out for walk or going to run an errand stand still for 1 Minute. Look around you and just notice. Sky, trees, birds, plants and insects. Even if you are living in concrete jungle, you will find nature in little nooks and crannies. Stand still and take a deep breath, close your eyes and hear your heart beat. Feel the sun or wind or cold on your face.
Take this 1 Minute to connect with nature before you move on with your day. Notice how much of a difference such 1 Minute breaks through out the day, make in your day to day life.