how to prevent technology addiction
Parenting, Self Care

5 Simple steps to prevent technology addiction

Have you been in a situation where you wanted to have conversation with your child or partner but they were barely listening and busy with their electronic gadgets? Per survey done by Deloitte, average smart phone user in US checks his mobile phone more than 47 times per day. 85% of Americans use their cell phone while talking to their…

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how to overcome anxiety and depression
Self Care

How to overcome stress and anxiety

5% of American adults suffer from atleast one emotional issue in one year ie. about 43 million adults. 4.4 Million kids have been diagnosed with anxiety and 1.9 million kids have been diagnosed with depression in USA. Although these issues may require medical care, one may depend on many scientifically proven hobbies to overcome stress, anxiety and depression. Even for…

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at home geography summer camp

DIY Geography Summer Camp

Last week I talked about 5 week At home DIY Summer Camp Plan for busy parents. Today I will be talking about Week 1 Geography Camp. As mentioned in my previous post, this camp is based on book series Horrible Geography (Set of 12 books). This is a fun book series that makes learning about geography fun and is very…

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At Home Summer camp Ideas

At Home Summer Camp

It is time of the year where kids are home and especially this year with quarantine situation, there are not many options available for on-site camps. I see many virtual camps being offered, but I was looking camp that does not require screen time. Given the circumstances I decided to create my own schedule of at home summer camps. I…

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how to sleep better at night
Self Care

How to get good sleep naturally

Are you one of the 25% of the Americans who suffer with Insomnia every year? Is lack of sleep or quality of your sleep effecting your daily activities and your health? A good quality sleep starts with good daily habits. You may be making some of these mistakes in your life style that might be affecting your sleep. Lets look…

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